Monday, 19 September 2016

Monday 19th September 2016

Once we got in this morning we had our morning task, we did a little test it was only out of 8 and we will keep doing a few of them and then we will see how many we got out of 48.Our morning task was quite simple there was some text and some questions, you had to explain some and then tick some others. Some of us got 8/8,some of us got 3/8 but it's ok because we are at the start of the year and we have lots oftime to learn more and more. We jst need to try our hardest and do the best we can!

Today in year 6 Owls we have been writing letters to our friends like we were out at sea, we were portraying the part as Beowulf as we are reading the book Beowulf. Also linking to that some of us had to use semi colons, commas in a list, commas in a sentence, relative clauses, dashes and some other stuff we called it the success criteria. Also in English we did a reading task, we had to read the text answer some of the questions and pick one word out of six and write what we thought it was and then check it in the dictionary that was fun!!

By: Olivia, Tacie and Destiny :)

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!!!! My blog post is up :) :) :) :) :) :)

    Olivia :D
